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Digital Growth for Social and Sustainable Initiatives

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Featured in international media
Sovereign Magazine
Digital Innovation
Millionair Magazine

Recent issues

Our commentaries, essays, and videos shed light on global digital trends and developments, provide information about innovative social and sustainable projects, and tell the inspiring stories of the people behind the initiatives.

City building with a green plant facade

Growing Sustainably with Sustainability?

Four possible solutions to overcome obstacles.
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Leaf in a glass with money

Is Sustainability a Question of Money?

Three aspects why it shouldn't be the case.
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People and technology are a powerful force to tackle social and environmental challenges. That’s why my partners and I shed light on global digital trends and developments. We also support social and sustainable initiatives in their growth so that they can increase their positive impact on our digitally connected world.

A few words about me

I’m Mike Flache — an advisor and mentor, former entrepreneur and angel investor. Together with talented teams, I build digital businesses. Onalytica’s analysts named me one of the top 10 global thought leaders in digital transformation.


Mike Flache
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