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Enabling Digital Growth for Social and Sustainable Initiatives

Leverage the potential of digital transformation to amplify the positive impact of your projects.

Enabling Digital Growth for Social and Sustainable Initiatives

Leverage the potential of digital transformation to amplify the positive impact of your projects.
Featured in international media
Sovereign Magazine
Digital Innovation
Millionair Magazine
BBN Times

Digitalization creates opportunities

Access to education

1.6+ billion

students worldwide were able to continue learning through online learning platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Source: UNESCO
Carbon footprint

300 million

tons of CO2 emissions were saved in 2020 through the introduction of teleworking and video conferencing.

Source: International Energy Agency
Financial inclusion

1.2+ billion

people worldwide who were previously excluded have gained access to banking through digital financial services.

Source: Global Findex Database

Initiatives making our world a better place

Young Enterprise
Safe Water Gardens
MicroLoan Foundation
Lend With Care
Rainforest Connection (RFCx)

Shaping positive change

The articles on this website focus on three areas: they shed light on global digital trends and developments, provide information about innovative social and sustainable projects, and tell the inspiring stories of the people behind the initiatives.

Heart represented by a binary code

How Non-profit Organizations Can Benefit from Artificial Intelligence

AI is a powerful technology for nonprofits looking to improve their operations, increase their impact, and better support their stakeholders.
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Growing plants

Can Sustainability Drive Business Growth?

Why sustainability is a key factor for long-term growth and success for companies worldwide.
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Hub for global industrial shipping logistics

What Influence Do Intelligent Logistics Concepts Have on Sustainability and Costs?

About the opportunities and challenges of smart logistics. Five key areas to increase efficiency and reduce costs.
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LooLa Eco Resort Bintan Indonesia

In a Good Business Environment Everyone Wins

A strong vision that inspires teams has the potential to propel small sustainable organizations to the top of the world.
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