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Leaf in a glass with money

Is Sustainability a Question of Money?

Three aspects why it shouldn't be the case.
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Girl friends hands piled together

Finding the Balance between Growth and Maintaining the Mission

A brief thought on a core challenge facing so-called social enterprises
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Wind turbines in the rape seed field

Four Areas Where AI Contributes to Sustainable Practices

Thoughts and examples to reduce prejudices against artificial intelligence in the area of sustainability.
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Hub for global industrial shipping logistics

What Influence Do Intelligent Logistics Concepts Have on Sustainability and Costs?

About the opportunities and challenges of smart logistics. Five key areas to increase efficiency and reduce costs.
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Growing plants

Can Sustainability Drive Business Growth?

Why sustainability is a key factor for long-term growth and success for companies worldwide.
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Heart represented by a binary code

How Non-profit Organizations Can Benefit from Artificial Intelligence

AI is a powerful technology for nonprofits looking to improve their operations, increase their impact, and better support their stakeholders.
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E-donation on a smartphone – digital transformation changes funding processes

Nonprofits: Why Digital Growth Needs A Strategy

The post-pandemic future is digital. A key reason why nonprofits should develop a sustainable digital growth strategy.
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